Here goes the first Polaris Naster Academy meeting
A great success made possible by active partecipation of both employees and partners
The project Polaris Naster Academy is started, a specific program, created by Naster, to provide growth and continuous and specific development for both employees and partners.
The first educational weekend is just over and it was a success, thanks to the presence and effort of the entire Naster team, both insiders and partners. To them goes the congratulations for their active partecipation, attention and willingness to partake a new path made of study, personal growth and curiosity toward a future togher, rich of personal, professional and economic satisfaction.
Polaris Naster Academy was created because, in our opinion, change and improvement comes from the inside, directly from the people that form the hearth of our industry. And it is in this belief that our diversity, will to make a change, to understand and to bring the needs of our client and market requests forward resides. From here we started and we found the will to do even more. The first meeting was merely a first step of a much longer path, articulated, deep and unique; a path that will bring us to new routes and goals, together.
Stay tuned.